Facebook Lite Android

How to Download Facebook Lite

Follow the link below to download Facebook Lite for Android.

Facebook Lite
Facebook Lite
Developer: Unknown
Price: Free

How to Use Facebook Lite

  1. Simply Open the Facebook Lite app from the app drawer to start.
  2. Sign in using your existing Facebook account. You can also create a new account through the Facebook Lite app itself.
  3. Once done, the app prompts you to your timeline where you can use and access all the basic Facebook functions such as access to Newsfeed, creating and sharing posts, commenting, liking, and private messaging. (The app comes in a simplified User interface).
  4. Navigate the app by tapping the main icons above the screen: News Feed, Friends, Messages, Notifications, and Settings.
  5. Tap the Friend icon to see all the pending Friend Requests (You can Confirm or Delete anytime you want) All the changes you made using the Facebook Lite app will also be applied to your Facebook and Facebook Messenger apps.
  6. Tap the Messages to access all your messages even without downloading a separate Facebook Messenger app.
  7. Tap the Settings to configure settings based on your personal preferences including Font Size, Languages, Push Notifications, Image Quality, Privacy, and more.
  8. To Post a Status Update, go back to your timeline, input texts in the “Post a Status Update” text box located below the screen. You can also upload photos by tapping the camera icon on the lower-right corner.

Note: Those users with very limited phone storage will surely find Facebook Lite extremely handy. With less than 2MB download size, you can install this app on your phone in no time.