AccuWeather Android

How to Download AccuWeather app

Follow the widget below to download the AccuWeather app for Android

AccuWeather: Weather Radar
AccuWeather: Weather Radar
Developer: Unknown
Price: Free

How to Use the AccuWeather app

  1. Launch the AccuWeather app from your app drawer.
  2. If this is your first time using the app, you will be asked first to review and accept the terms and conditions.
  3. You should also allow AccuWeather to use your location. The app will use your location to provide local weather, alerts, and other features. Just tap the Allow option to proceed.
  4. Once done, the app prompts you immediately to your home screen that will instantly display all the important weather information.
  5. Located below the app is a navigation panel that provides quick access to Today’s Forecast, Hourly, Daily, and Radar.
  6. Tap on the Today icon to give you today’s weather forecast. It also gives you details about Allergy outlook, humidity level, temperature, and more.
  7. Tap on the Hourly icon to give you a much detailed forecast.
  8. Tap on the Daily icon to see the forecast for the whole day, week, and month.
  9. Tap the Radar icon to see the current weather condition in different areas. It also gives you access to features like Satellite, Watches and Warnings, Tropical Storms, Temperature Contour, and more.
  10. The app also comes with the so-called MinuteCast feature that gives you a detailed minute by minute breakdown of the next two hours so you don’t miss a second of the latest weather updates.